Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Getting a nice toned tummy is not an easy task, but at the end of the day, it’s definitely worth it! 
Today I’m going to be sharing cool facts about losing tummy fat and getting that toned abs.  I must say, it’s going to be tiring and requires determination. 
 Fact 1 
Reduce the intake of ice-creams, chocolates and carbonated drinks(beer, soda etc). These foods stuffs and drinks, contribute to   having a big tummy. It’s high time you drop-kick them out of your diet.
Fact 2
Always eat little portions, get a small bowl and measure your food with it.

Fact 3
Don't eat until you're overfull. When you sense you're getting full, stop eating, it’s as simple as ABC! Though it’s easier said than done, you still have to try your best!

Fact 4
After 7 pm its best you don't eat anything heavy with carbohydrate (rice, yam spaghetti beans etc), the only thing that should go into your mouth is water, green tea, fruits, (watermelon, pineapple, cucumber or pawpaw, preferably), vegetables and very light food (fish, soup etc) 

Fact 5 
Drink lots of water and munch regularly on fruits. This is enjoyable, worth it, eases bloating and promotes regular bowel movement. 

Fact 6
It’s important you tone your abs muscles by engaging in abdominal exercises to firm up the region. You could lose the fat but you have got to put excess skin in place. 

Fact 7
Be patient and persistent, you're not going to get a toned tummy overnight. Place a picture of a well toned flat tummy on the wall to motivate you.

All these look scary and unattainable, but if you put your mind and back! Into it, having a big tummy will be a thing of the past!! Enjoy and Good Luck!

photo credit;

Monday, May 27, 2013

Give your complexion a boost!

 Spending too much time under the sun has caused quite a number of havoc on our skin and complexion. Most people tend to have altered skin-complexions, and spend lots of money on products that give limited results with dire side effects.

Researches and awareness of safe and effective means of looking good through natural means, have made it possible for us, to identify natural products that can be used for beauty challenges.  Today I’m going to be talking about how you can upgrade your complexion, get a clearer  and even skin tone naturally with; 


100%Cranberry juice, 



For this complexion beauty treatment, follow these easy steps;
#Blend 1 medium size cucumber with a cup of cranberry juice into a fine paste.
#pour paste in a small bowl and add 4 tablespoon of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of turmeric
#mix well, then set aside
# Take your usual night bath with warm water.
# Rub paste all over your skin in an upward motion.
# Let the paste dry, put on an oversize t-shirt and still leave paste on the skin all night.
# Rinse your skin in the morning with warm water, then take your usual bath with cold water.
#Remember to always use your sunscreen(SPF 30 and above) when leaving the house.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

BeautyBox all the way!;)

hey guys!

Don't forget to grab a copy of BeautyBox! and get more beauty tips and routines!;)
it cost a thousand Naira (N1000).
Have fun reading and like us on Facebook-->>
Latest edition, get to know omoniyi's beauty secrets!

Finally! a natural homemade Facial Peel that works!;)

    The thought of spending so much for a good facial peel, can be depressing(beauty wise!) because no matter what, every woman wants to look more beautiful and younger, but the resources are kinda limited:-/. As usual, Beauutywhizz is always at your beauty service, bringing you incredible natural alternatives! ;)
 Moreover! you days of spending  crazy amounts of money for a facial peel are over as i present to you  a natural homemade face peel treatment(yep! homemade!), that can make your skin look twice-younger, more radiant and repair all the damages of staying too long under the sun. 

To make this natural facial peel, you'll need;

*2 medium size oranges and 1 lemon.

* Unflavored Gelatin

*Egg Yolk

Lemon and orange juice  exfoliate and repair hyper pigmented skin ( caused by the sun or bleaching-creams). Gelatin softens, firms and tones the skin and the egg Yolk hydrates. Egg yolk tastes really good, but its better on your skin as it hydrates and makes it glow.
Squeeze the life juice out of the oranges and lemon in a mini pot(take out the seeds and other particles), Add some gelatin (1 full teaspoon), warm the mixture until the gelatin dissolves and set the pot aside for the mixture to cool. Then add the egg yolk(only) and whisk the mixture with a fork properly.

     Exfoliate/wash your face/neck, make sure it’s still moist, then apply the mixture on your face/neck and wait for 25mins (if you've got a sensitive-skin! leave for 10mins)

     After 25mins, wash off with warm water and later with cold water. To end your facial peel, massage your face with bio-oil (for 1min) for more nourishment (if you can’t get bio-oil, you can use sesame or lemon oil). Since this is natural and has no side effects, you can have a homemade facial peel once or twice a week.

       I’m sure you’re looking ageless and flawless by now! :) Have fun with your new beauty regimen and always share Btips with others,  cause there is more where that came from. *wink*

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

BeAuTy TiPs! All the way from Fine China!:)


       The people of China have a strong belief in the anti-aging effects of  Green and White teas. These teas are loaded with antioxidants and promote inner and  outer beauty. So! Enough of those slimming teas and start  sipping on green or white tea, like your life depended on it! The more you sip! The younger you get!

        Another Chinese beauty regimen; is the facial mask made from egg whites; get a raw egg, drain the albumen in a cup, tussle with a fork,apply on face and neck(don't forget your neck!) Leave mask on for 30 mins, rinse with water and moisturize the skin with almond or olive oil. Your face will feel more fresh and revitalized.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

more Cabbage less Baggage! 

     cabbage is a good  source  of vitamin c and fiber.  It contains 'indole-3-carbonile' a very strong antioxidant  that assists  in liver detoxification, and a detoxified liver reduces the presence of free radicals in the blood stream. We all know what a body without  free radicals means..............wait for it..........................

 CLEAR and BEAUTIFUL !skin (yeppi!)
Cabbage is also good for those who need to shed some pounds. enjoy the 7 days cabbage therapy and get rid of unnecessary radicals and pounds

Day 1:

Today, you're only allowed to consume cabbage soup and any fruit you want, excluding  bananas. Wash  it all down  with plain-unsweetened teas(black or green tea ), 100% cranberry juice or water.

Day 2:

Eat more 
cabbage  and other varieties of vegetables. Whether you eat your vegetables raw, cooked or mixed, ensure you  keep hunger at bay with them. Also,  include leafy green vegetables e.g  spinach,water -leaf etc 
Stayaway from  dry beans, peas, corn and avoid eating any fruit. For dinner or  lunch eat a baked potato(remember 'a' which means ONE potato).

Day 3:

On the third day , make 
 a  cabbage soup  for yourself  and eat all the cabbage you want. You can have fruits and veggies, but this time exclude  potatoes.

Day 4:

This will be an exciting day, you can satisfy  your desire for sugary foods, so this therapy permitts you to consume about  eight
 bananas and drink skimmed milk  till it makes you drunk! of course you can eat your cabbage any how you like. 

Day 5:

Finally! you get to eat some real food(geez! thank God its day 5) today  make a  dish for yourself with beef and tomatoes(you can have as much as you want). Makesure you're always hydrated and try drinking up to eight glasses of water to dilute the 'uric acid' from your body.Don't forget to eat your cabbage!:-p 

Day 6:

Day six is here and you can still have beef or chicken with some veggies, avoid  potatoes. Don't mean to bust your bubbles but you have to have some cabbage too.:)

Day 7:

And we made it! for today, make some brown rice for yourself,munch with some veggies and fill up on freshfruit juices made by you! Have  a bowl of cabbage soup today and always keep yourself hydrated.    
When you're done with this  7 days therapy , you'll notice a fresher, cleaner and more beautiful you both inside and outside! *wink*