Showing posts with label scrub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrub. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2015



Hi guys

So after much research and experiment, I've been able to come up with a beauty regime that will help you get that flawless skin, which i call THE BEYONCE GLOW!! Lets get down to business; here is an easy Beauty Tip on how to get THE BEYONCE GLOW!!! I hope it works for you cause its doing wonders to my skin.:-)


All you need; A warm bath, a nice moisturizing soap, sea salt bodyscrub ,  a clean towel, a bowl of cool water and a bottle of virgin COCONUT OIL.

Step 1- scrub your skin in a circular motion with the SEA-SALT-BODYSCRUB and rinse with the WARM WATER(make sure your skin can tolerate the hotness of the water)

Step2- after  step 1, take your regular bath with the remaining warm water.

Step 3- pour a bowl of COOL WATER all over the skin after step 2

Step 4- dry your skin; patting it with the clean towel.

Step5- the final step, apply the VIRGIN COCONUT OIL all over your body including your face and neck( you can use the sea-salt scrub on your face too but mildly)

After the final step, put on your most comfortable night-wear and sleep.

In the morning you'll certainly look better, shinier and glow like Beyonce.

Do this twice a week for effective results, and make it part of your beauty regime.

  Remember stay beautiful always!!!!!!!:-*