Showing posts with label lighter skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lighter skin. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2015

           Spending too much time under the sun has caused quite a number of havoc on our skin and complexion. Most people tend to have altered skin-complexions, and spend lots of money on products that give limited results with dire side effects.
            Researches and awareness of safe and effective means of looking good through natural means, has made it possible to identify natural products that can be used for beauty challenges.  Today I’m going to be talking about how you can upgrade your complexion, get a clearer skin and even-skin tone naturally with; 
100%CRANBERRY JUICE                        


For this complexion beauty treatment, follow these easy steps;
#Blend 1 medium size cucumber with 1cup of cranberry juice into a fine paste.
#pour paste in a small bowl and add 4tablespoon of glycerin with half a teaspoon of turmeric
#mix well, then set aside
# Take your usual night bath with warm water.
# Rub paste all over your skin in an upward motion.
# Let the paste dry, put on an oversized t-shirt and still leave paste on the skin all night.
# Rinse your skin in the morning with warm water, then take your usual bath with cold water.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Give your complexion a boost!

 Spending too much time under the sun has caused quite a number of havoc on our skin and complexion. Most people tend to have altered skin-complexions, and spend lots of money on products that give limited results with dire side effects.

Researches and awareness of safe and effective means of looking good through natural means, have made it possible for us, to identify natural products that can be used for beauty challenges.  Today I’m going to be talking about how you can upgrade your complexion, get a clearer  and even skin tone naturally with; 


100%Cranberry juice, 



For this complexion beauty treatment, follow these easy steps;
#Blend 1 medium size cucumber with a cup of cranberry juice into a fine paste.
#pour paste in a small bowl and add 4 tablespoon of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of turmeric
#mix well, then set aside
# Take your usual night bath with warm water.
# Rub paste all over your skin in an upward motion.
# Let the paste dry, put on an oversize t-shirt and still leave paste on the skin all night.
# Rinse your skin in the morning with warm water, then take your usual bath with cold water.
#Remember to always use your sunscreen(SPF 30 and above) when leaving the house.